Employee Payroll Account
Specially created for individuals earning J$100,000.00 and less per month
Right for you if you want:

A Jamaican dollar account, just for Jamaicans

No minimum amount required

No fees on Scotia ATM or POS

Mastercard Debit Card allows for shopping online
If you’re a Scotiabank customer earning less than $100,000 per month
then make the switch to the Scotia Payroll account.

The Scotia Payroll account is designed with you in mind and has no monthly fees and no minimum balance required. You also won’t pay to use Scotiabank ATMs or point of sale machines and of course all online and mobile transactions are free.
If you earn less than $100k per month, open a Scotia Payroll Account at any of our branches.
Eligibility for this Account
To be eligible for the expanded Payroll Account stream, customers must be:
- Employed (this includes self-employed persons)
- Earning J$100,000.00 or less, monthly
Every Payroll Account customer will be issued a Scotiabank mastercard Debit Card which allows them access to Online and Mobile Banking; and all electronic transactions (eCommerce, ATM and POS).
Top reasons to choose this account

- Offered to Jamaican residents and in Jamaican Dollars only
- Requires no minimum amount to open or to be maintained in the account
- Charges no fees for Proprietary (BNS) ATM and POS
- Charges fees for Non-Proprietary ATM and POS
- Restricted to one Payroll account per customer
- Total deposits to the account per month must be equal to or less than J$100,000.00

- Full Name
- Mother’s Maiden Name (where applicable)
- One acceptable identification document containing photograph
- Date of Birth
- Nationality
- Permanent Address
- Telephone Contact Information (personal & work)
- Tax Registration Number (TRN) or other Reference Number
- Employment
- Referees

Bank from the comfort of your home
Bank anytime, anywhere with 24/7 access to our self-service options - Scotia OnLine / Scotia Mobile App / ATMs