Building Wealth for Generations
Let’s find the right investment mix for you
We provide a comprehensive range of investment opportunities to help you meet your financial goals.
I am an individual investor
Use our Investment Profiler tool to determine your investor profile and find the right investment mix for you. From our suite of ScotiaFunds to our extensive Brokerage solutions, partner with us achieve your financials goals.
I am an institutional investor
We are the investment solution provider of choice for some of the Caribbean’s most discerning institutional pools and trustees. We work in partnership with clients and their consultants to design and deliver progressive and innovative, team-based investment solutions.
Getting started
Take advantage of our specialized investment management services.

Learn about ScotiaFunds
Each Fund is tailored to varying investment horizons, objectives, and risk tolerance. See which solution is best for you!

Why invest with us
Experience the Scotia Investments difference. With our collaborative advisory approach, we manage risks, not just returns, to give you the best chance of reaching your financial goals.

Find an advisor
Locate your advisor in the Scotiabank location closest to you.