We’re upgrading our ATMs to serve you better

Scotiabank is committed to providing you with the best possible banking experience.
To ensure our ATM services remain secure, reliable, and efficient, we will be conducting machine upgrades at scheduled locations over the upcoming months. 

Location Name Address Parish Removed from Service Expected Return to Service
Harman Barracks (replacement) Mobile Reserve Headquarters, South Camp Road Kingston 19 04-Mar-25 17-Mar-25
Juci-Patties Clarendon Park (replacement) Lot 1, Clarendon Park Clarendon 11-Mar-25 24-Mar-25
Black River (former branch)* 6 High Street, Black River St. Elizabeth 17-Mar-25 18-Apr-25

*Alternate locations for ATM at former Black River Branch:

Intown Super Centre (2 School Street, Black River) – All transactions inclusive of deposits
BNS Santa Cruz (42 Main Street, Santa Cruz) -All transactions inclusive of deposits