Scotia LifeLine Podcast
Your on-line guide to financial wealth protection from Scotia Insurance
Our monthly Scotia LifeLine Podcast offers insight, financial tips and relevant information for your long-term personal & financial growth.
Hosted by Sherrando Ferril with Scotia Insurance's team of seasoned experts, our Scotia LifeLine Podcast provides financial guidance, facts & figures.
Episode Nine
What's all the fuss about?

Host Sherrando Ferril speaks with Scotia Insurance's new General Manager
Hugh Reid, on why you need to start planning now for the period of time when you no longer earn an income.
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Running time 16:00 minutes
Episode Eight
What exactly are annuities?

Host Sherrando Ferril speaks with Product Development Manager
Erica Anderson on What exactly are annuities?
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Running time 06:25 minutes
Episode Seven
Protection for your health from a nutritionist's perspective / How to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Host Sherrando Ferril speaks with Manager Creditor Life
Lorna Gordon Elliot on Critical Illness Protection for your health Nutritionist: Dr. Joy Callender
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Running time 12:56 minutes
Episode Six
How to access living benefits for your health / Financial help for critical illnesses

Host Sherrando Ferril speaks with Manager Creditor Life
Lorna Gordon Elliot on Critical Illness: Protection for your health, when you need it most
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Running time 08:10 minutes
Episode Five
Financial Planning / How to create your financial plan without professional help

Host Sherrando Ferril speaks with Manager Operations Development and Projects - Kenroy Wedderburn on Financial Planning 2010
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Running time 08:05 minutes
Episode Four
Life Insurance - Is it really for me?

Host Elaine Wint speaks with Senior Manager, Operations & Service Delivery
Lois Heslop on life insurance options, benefits and living benefits, which can be achieved.
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Running time 15:40 minutes
Episode Three
Credit Insurance

Host Elaine Wint speaks with Manager, Creditor Life - Scotia Insurance
Lorna Gordon Elliot on what exactly is Credit Insurance and what benefit does this hold?
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Running time 12:39 minutes
Episode Two
Estate Planning and Life Insurance

Host Elaine Wint, speaks with VP & General Manager - Scotia Insurance
Jacqueline Sharp and attorney-at-law K. Denise Henry James on the fact that Estate Planning is not for the rich, but for persons who are interested in ensuring that their assets are given to its intended beneficiary while minimizing the associated death taxes. Also included in this conversation is the crucial role that life insurance can play in estate planning.
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Running time 15:51 minutes
Episode One
Retirement Plan

Host Elaine Wint, speaks with Vice President & General Manager Scotia Insurance
Jacqueline Sharp, as she explains the new Pensions Act and the implications of this on retirement planning.
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Running time 14:04 minutes