Why you should be in this programme
The Scotiabank Vision Achiever is a 17-week, seven module programme, led by ActionCOACH Marcia Woon Choy. The programme is designed to impart the core competencies required for running a profitable business, including training in sales, systemizing business processes, marketing and understanding business financials; but more importantly, building each participant’s capacity as a leader.
In this programme you are challenged to think differently about entrepreneurship, to learn how to build, design and sustain a successful business. You are charged to learn how to implement systems to make your company one of choice for customers and a viable one for you as owners.
2023 top performers
Le Champ Cosmetics
Le Champ Cosmetics
- Recorded year-on-year increases in revenue and profit by 250% and 115%, respectively
- Hired five additional employees, up from one,
- Expanded its social media outreach significantly, scoring 1.7 million impressions and a 439% jump in leads.
Somers Furnishing
- Reversed a loss-making bleed at his construction firm, increasing profit by 172%.
- Overhauled its cash-flow dynamic by revising its payment schedules and streamlined its accounts.
- Reported improved staff morale and engagement.
Surf & Turf
Surf & Turf
- Registered a revenue increase of 105% during the four-month course
- Recorded a 321% spike in profits year-on-year.
- Boasts a new alliance with a United Kingdom-based Jamaican company which enables travel with senior chefs for overseas-based catering jobs.