Be a fraud fighter
Protect your account like a heavyweight champion

Avoiding scams
Phishing is a form of scam that cybercriminals use through email spoofing and SM/text messages in order to steal your data and credentials to access your accounts or bank details.
Vishing is another form of scam where fraudsters impersonate others to obtain your confidential information through phone calls.
Is your information safe on your computer?
You can protect your information by installing anti-spam, anti-spyware and anti-virus software on your computer. If you accidentally click on a link, these programs will help get rid of the virus when you run a scan.
Do not answer high-pressure or urgent calls
Unusual high-pressure or urgent phone calls that ask you for any personal information or your login details should not be trusted. Scotiabank representatives will never ask you to confirm your PIN or password.
Read through emails to verify information
Carefully inspect email addresses. Do you know the sender? Is it from an official organization that you have interacted with before?
Unsolicited emails offering too-good-to-be-true prizes with high-pressure responses are usually from fraudsters. Add trusted email senders to your safe list so it's easier to spot the fakes.
Do not open suspicious links
Avoid opening attachments or click hyperlinks in emails or SMS/text messages. If you get an email asking you to log into an account, do not click the link in the email.
It is better to go to the company's website and log into your account there. That will ensure that you are on the company's official webpage and not a site spoofed to look like it.
Bank safe with us
DO turn on Scotia transaction alerts on the mobile app to notify you of all your transactions
DO check your surroundings and cover-up when using the mobile app in public or entering your PIN at ATM or at Point of Sale machines.
DO use Scotia credit card controls on the Scotia Caribbean app to turn your card off if you think your card is compromised
DO sign up for eStatements to easily review all your transactions and reduce the risk of identity theft as this contains key personal information
DO create long and strong passwords and keep them private. If you think your banking password has been compromised, change it immediately
DO call 888-4-SCOTIA (888-472-6842) or email to report suspicious or fraudulent transactions on your account
Learn how to use Scotia OnLine and the Scotia Caribbean App to activate transaction alerts and notifications.
Identifying different cyber attacks
Below are the different types of scams you should look out for:
Malware is a type of application designed to create persistent access to a network. Some are designed to spy on the user in order to obtain credentials or other valuable data, while some are simply designed to cause disruption.
A ‘drive-by-download’ attack is where an unsuspecting victim visits a website which in turn infects their device with malware. .
Business Email Compromise (BEC)
A BEC attack is where the fraudsters target an employee who has the ability to authorize financial transactions, in order to trick them into transferring money into an account controlled by the attacker.
Password attack
A password attack is a type of cybercrime where an attacker tries to guess, or “crack” a user’s password.
Need to make a report?
Contact our team to report suspicious or fraudulent transactions on your account