Scotiabank staffers donate supplies, tablet to Annie Dawson Home

Ivaline Nickie, Manager for the Annie Dawson Home for Girls accepts a tablet donated to assist students at the Home from Perrin Gayle, Scotiabank, Senior Vice President, Corporate and Commercial Banking.
Kingston, Jamaica – December 2, 2020 - The Annie Dawson Home for Girls in Kingston is the latest charitable organization to benefit from the generosity of a team of Scotiabankers.
On November 12, staff from the Bank’s Corporate and Commercial Banking Centre donated over $100,000 from their personal funds to purchase groceries and sanitation supplies to assist the private child-care facility. For several years, the Home has provided care and accommodation for children with disabilities and other ailments. Sixteen female wards of the state are currently housed at the institution.
Perrin Gayle, Senior Vice President, Corporate and Commercial Banking at Scotiabank explained that like many other organizations, the Home has experienced a decline in donations since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As Scotiabankers, supporting our community is embedded in our culture and so we are very happy to give our assistance especially now. We also commend the team at the Annie Dawson Home which continues to provide care and protection for some of our most vulnerable children despite the challenging circumstances,” Gayle said.
“We are very thankful for the items we have received, especially the tablet and we thank the team at Scotiabank for all they continue to do,” said Ivaline Nickie, Manager for the Annie Dawson Home for Girls.
The Home also received a donation of a tablet which will be used to assist a student at the home to facilitate online classes due to the closure of schools.

Perrin Gayle ( left) , Senior VP Corporate and Commercial Banking at Scotiabank and Claudine Murray ( right) , Senior Credit Solutions Manager assist Ivaline Nickie (centre), Manager for the Annie Dawson Home for Girls to sort through grocery items donated to the Home by the Corporate and Commercial Banking team at Scotiabank on November 12.

Perrin Gayle (right) , Senior VP Corporate and Commercial Banking at Scotiabank works to install a dispenser for sanitiser at the Annie Dawson Home for Girls. He is assisted by Kevin Reese ( left) , Senior Relationship Manager.